1)EKOB 2018, Belgrade

2)9th International scientific conference, Security System Reforms As a Precondition for Euro Atlantic Integrations, University of St. Kliment Ohridski- Bitola, Faculty of Security Skopje,Ohrid,2018,

3)International scientific conference Security, Political And Legal Challenges of Modern World, Faculty of Law, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, 19-21 October 2018,

4) Second International Scientific Conference Philosophy Nowadays: Cultural, Educational, Scientific policies in The European Countries And The Countries In The Black Sea Region, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences- Institute for the study of Societies and Knowledge, Varna , Bulgaria, 02-06 September 2019

5) International Congress on Human, Social Science and Arts, University of Tetovo, Macedonia, 13-15 November 2019,

6) Second International Scientific Conference Serbian-American Relationships, Institute for national and international security, National Asambly Republic of Serbia, Belgrade September 2020

7) International Scientific Conference ,, Towards a Better Future: Human Rights, Organized Crime and Digital Society", Facility of Law, Kičevo, N. Macedonia, 3rd October 2020 ( online)

8) 28th Scientific International Conference ,, The Power of Knowledge", The Institute of Knowledge Management Skopje, 09-11.10.2020 Cavala, Greece(online

9) 10th Session of the Conference of The Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Vienna 12-16 October 2020